Want to Use WordPress? Let WDG Show You How!

Kurtis Shaner
- < 1 min read

First, let me dispel a common myth: WordPress is NOT just for blogs.

Here at WDG, our designers and developers use WordPress for websites on a daily basis. Many times, people assume that if they are going to build a large site, it should be done on Drupal. Although conventional wisdom may tell us that WordPress is for smaller sites that won’t see a ton of hourly traffic, this is not always the case. We are in the process of designing and developing a site for a large public university using WordPress multisite capabilities. WordPress and Drupal each have many appealing aspects, and after working one-on-one with the webmaster at this University, it was decided that WordPress could meet all of their needs.

On top of the features already included in WordPress, we do a lot of custom work with WordPress plugins to make sure the site has all the features that the client requests. It is also a multisite, which means that under the umbrella of the main site, there are multiple smaller sites. For example, the Admissions pages for the University are technically their own site, but are incorporated seamlessly into the larger site. This allows certain admins to be able to only make changes to specific sites within the larger site.

So, how do you decide whether to use WordPress or Drupal? Well, for starters, contact The Web Development Group. We are located out of Alexandria, VA but have clients all around the DC area, Maryland, and are expanding down to North Carolina. We are eager to hear from you and help you get started on your next WordPress or Drupal web development and design project!

Further reading: How did WordPress win the popularity contest?

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