Bringing an end to poverty with bold designs.

FINCA Ventures is an initiative of FINCA International that fiscally supports nascent social enterprises and offers affordable, high quality and life-enhancing products and services for low-income families. WDG partnered with FINCA to enhance its capabilities fully and positively impact lives around the world.
Create a landing page to showcase FINCA Ventures' work and attract investors to their newest initiatives.
In order to captivate industry players, WDG created an arrestingly fresh platform.
FINCA Ventures has increased donations, improved downloads and grown subscriptions due to the striking site that WDG made.

WDG created icons and map imagery for viewers to animate the information provided.

Showcasing global opportunities.
Our designers created a gorgeous look for FINCA by using powerful imagery, colors that pop, and effectively fluid organization. It was paramount to showcase FINCA’s current projects, testimonials and insights.

Security Blankets
WDG implemented mobile-first best practices in FINCA’s push to maximize their social media game and connect with their global audience regarding safe banking. FINCA highlighted this issue of transformative banking in their Unstoppable Campaign, and what it feels like to be “unbanked”. For their mobile platform, robust metadata, URL shortening, and UTM tracking techniques were applied; while on the desktop, platform-specific buttons were featured along with custom Google events to track activity.