World Cup at WDG: Goooal!
It’s that time of year again … or every four years rather: vividly-colored jerseys sported on the backs of dedicated fans, fierce debates about what teams are destined to win, and boisterous crowds roaring as their favorite team makes the winning goal. At least, that’s what I think happens at the World Cup—my knowledge doesn’t extend past BuzzFeed articles listing out of most eligible players. (Despite their loss, Xabi Alonso, and Spain in extension, have my full support.)

Although I contend that soccer—excuse me, futbol—involves running around with a ball and a menagerie of decent acting in between, at WDG we have an enthusiastic team of futbol lovers to keep the next few weeks even more interesting. From insightful commentary (“Just hit him in the face! That’s right.”) to lively cheers (“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my—AHH!”) there will be no shortage of excitement on Strand Street this month.
In the spirit of friendly office competition, which we’re very familiar with, I talked with the WDG team to see who they think will win this year’s World Cup. Here is a particularly excellent snippet of THAT conversation:
Randall: “I’d give everything for USA to win, but this is a Germany vs. Portugal sport.”
Ab: “Germany or Netherlands. They showed major teamwork and pressured defenses. Germany’s opponent didn’t show up, especially Rolando. Argentina is also one to keep an eye on, but Germany make take it this year.”
Kristina: “My vote goes to Earth. I think they have the whole global warming skill down to a T.”
Homiera: “I’m beating Mike in Fantasy Soccer… that’s all that matters.”
Dario: “Randall’s team selection process is extremely visceral. The team with the prettier jerseys is logically going to win and therefore advance. Color theory will always pervade over statistics, metrics, and common sense.”
Mike: “I really enjoyed watching Italy and Costa Rica play in their separate games. I can’t wait until they meet on Friday.”
Kyle: “I decided Argentina would win the whole thing because they always pull through when things get Messi. (Hold the applause.)”
Dario: “Kyle, I officially welcome you to the dad joke family.”
Kaitlyn: “Xabi Alonso. The end.”
If you want more delightful insight into the daily quips of World Cup WDG-ers, follow us on Twitter and let us know who you’re rooting for in Brazil!