WordPress 5.0 – A major milestone.

WordPress, a powerful content management system that powers large dynamic websites has released WordPress 5.0, code-name “bebo”, after jazz musician Bebo Valdes.
What this means for you?
With WordPress 5.0, many of its new few features are centered around customizable content blocks. The new project Gutenberg editor is based on Block-Based Editing which allows for superior flexibility as it lets you insert all types of media in blocks. It allows the web manager to adjust the inserted media so they are displayed as you like. For example, you can adjust as horizontal banners, full-width images, or narrow sidebars and move them around the page to create the layout that you want. In addition, you can create reusable blocks so any new page you create will have a consistent look. The new default theme is Twenty Nineteen for WordPress 5.0. Twenty Nineteen is designed to work for a wide variety or types of websites. Whether you are building a personal blog, designing an association website, or supporting a large non-profit website, Twenty Nineteen is flexible enough to fit any business need.
Still not fully onboard and want to stick with the familiar Classic Editor? Support for the Classic Editor plugin will remain in WordPress through 2021.
Want additional details to WordPress 5.0? Read this post on the core development blog to check out the introduction of the new block editor (aka Gutenberg), JavaScript i18n support and language packs, media changes, new REST API endpoints and changes, and new post type labels.
Need help updating to WordPress 5.0 or thinking about a website redesign using WordPress 5.0? Contact our WordPress development team at [email protected].